happy love day

I really wish I had found this sooner. Many friends and family members would have gotten fruit for Valentine's Day this year if I had.

I'll have to remember this nifty idea next time. For the simple DIY instructions and template, head over to Twig & Thistle.

And BTW, I simply love the colours of this pictures. So refreshing!

sometimes bad is actually good

I've always felt like February is the longest month, which is odd considering it's the shortest. It's the month when winter becomes unbearable; the month when I curse my parent's decision to live in Canada.

But every once in a while, I come upon something that makes me appreciate this northern climate.

I love the colours and the distinct feelings every season brings with it. This picture reminds me, on this bleak February morning, that four drastically different seasons is actually really great. One makes you truly appreciate the other.

oh! well, hello again

Fancy meeting you here!

merry, merry, merry christmas

Happy Holidays!!!!
to you and yours
May your holiday season be filled with much friends, family, food and good times!

And for such an occasion: a very merry blast from the past!

my month in pictures

The first snow storm!

And after many tries, my "scarf" still looks like this

On the way back from work one lovely day

and another snow storm

Salon des métiers d'arts du Québec

Basically, lots of snow, lots of shopping, decorating, baking and drinking. It's what Christmas is all about! ...Oh, and several attempts at knitting!

Busy, busy, busy

Hey y'all! After many a days, I'm back!
I haven't found the time to post, what with work and the holidays and looking for a job and teaching myself how to knit and baking cookies.
I must admit that I miss my days as a student right now. The semester ends at the very start of December and you get a whole month to shop and decorate and make yummy deserts for everyone. My apartments not as festive as I would like and I only managed to make 7 shortbread cookies (hopefully, I change that today). I have, however, finished the gift shopping.

And that's my excuse for being AFK for so long. Hopefully, I will be back soon.
On that note, I leave you with a picture of one of the loveliest street in Montreal at Christmas time.


meet the face of the north

Speaking of Christmas and subzero temperatures, I have decided that it is high time to invest in a proper Canadian winter jacket. I live in the Great White North, for crying out loud! What has taken me so long?

Now, let's be clear. When I say it's time to invest, I mean it's for someone to invest in a proper winter jacket. Christmas is coming up and I think this lovely specimen below would do a fabulous job of keeping me warm (and dry) thoughout all of the weather Canada can throw at me.

{the north face - kira triclimate jacket}

But I'm not picky -any Triclimate jacket will do. I love them all! I'm going to stop creeping the North Face website before I get a specific idea of the one I want. After many occasions of out-of-stock and discontinued fiascos, I've learned not to get to attached to a particular model.

it's beginning to look a lot like...

We had our first snow fall yesterday in the wee morning hours!

I feel like it's been a while since I woke to be completely surprised by a world covered in snow! I am such a weather network freak, I can't believe I didn't see it coming.

Bleary-eyed, I peered out my window from the warmth of my bed to a pristine sheet of white! Not knowing it was coming, I didn't get the chance to dread what this entails. Snow might be pretty, but hot on its heels comes freezing rain, salt stains and subzero temperatures.

Without a chance to reflect upon all the nasty sides of winter, I was able to enjoy the gorgeous, serene sight with a childish excitement for winter and Christmas and hot cocoa by the fire!

chalking the holidays out

Unfortunately, my mom and the Grinch have one thing in common, they both hate Christmas. You know at the end, when the Grinch’s heart grows 3 sizes bigger and he becomes a wonderful and loving person and he finds out that he ADORES Christmas? Yeah, we’re still waiting on that last part. Not that my mom has a proverbial small heart or is a grinchy kind of person by any stretch of the imagination. She’s very loving and generous and all those good things, but she HATES Christmas!

I know. It’s weird, right?

{via here}

So when I saw this Christmas tree, I instantly thought of my mom. It’s not just perfect for her, it’s also "chalk" full of originality (yes, I'm a little bit of a nerd). She doesn't have to go through the hassle of putting the hated tree up and decorating it and there's minimal mess.

today, i'm happy for...

my cat's propensity to lie on her back with her legs in the air.